Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Real Diapers!

We celebrated our Fourth of July on the third of July this year. We went down to the Connecticut shore to hang out with my father in law, his girlfriend and a lot of her family. As I changed the little Button's diaper, her brother in law sat in a nearby chair and saw me take off a prefold and cover and put a pocket diaper on the little guy.

The brother-in-law said, "Oh you use real diapers!"

I loved that he called them "real" diapers, as opposed to fake disposable diapers!*

Then later on, I changed Button again, and another extended family member saw me taking off an all-in-one and was fascinated with modern cloth diapers.

These are people who are more likely to have grandchildren than children at this point in their lives, but it was so nice to see their interest and support for cloth. I see many people online complaining that their family members think cloth is weird or gross and have no problem sharing that opinion with the world.

I use cloth because I think that they are better for the environment and for my baby, so it was encouraging to introduce new people to the world of cloth diapers and see that people can be supportive instead of derisive.

*I don't judge sposie users. We use them at night because I hate middle of the night diaper changes and I can usually go all night with the little guy in disposable.

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